We believe that giving to God’s work is a very important part of our life here at The Episcopal Church in Okatie (TECIO)! Our Individual Creation, Talents, and Life Work have been made possible by God for us to individually cultivate, and we should feel a significant desire to show our thanks through financial and active support of Our Lord through (TECIO) and its Missions and Ministries.
Together we can make a difference and our appreciation for each person’s contributions of funds and effort is truly great!
Ways of Giving
Check or Cash
Check or cash donations may be brought to a Service, brought to The Episcopal Church in Okatie at another time, or mailed (we do not recommend mailing cash) to:
The Episcopal Church in Okatie (TECIO)
231 Hazzard Creek Road, Suite 1
Ridgeland, SC 29936
Your support is deeply appreciated!
Online Giving
The Episcopal Church in Okatie provides Digital Options for giving
1. Online Giving to The Episcopal Church in Okatie can be made through a secure online form as a one-time donation or on a recurring basis
Getting started with Online Giving is easy by just clicking on the link below:
Secure Online Giving Page/give now
The 2024 Stewardship Campaign Please remember to pledge
You can do this by dropping off your pledge card at church
or click the link below to do it online

Thank you for your Pledge
You can do this by dropping off you pledge card at church or click the link below to do it online
God loves a cheerful giver